Go through each stage by solving short puzzles to find the Play button. Each stage is a little puzzle to figure out how to make the button appear、 whether it be by tearing the scenery apart、 deciphering a code、 appeasing the physics gods、 or meeting the demands of a snooty robot waiter. Each level has different rules that you’ll have to figure out and the solution is never the same twice.
Go through each stage by solving short puzzles to find the Play button. Each stage is a little puzzle to figure out how to make the button appear、 whether it be by tearing the scenery apart、 deciphering a code、 appeasing the physics gods、 or meeting the demands of a snooty robot waiter. Each level has different rules that you’ll have to figure out and the solution is never the same twice.
再生回数:6582 公開日:2012/08/15 [ YouTubeで見る ]
Also das ist mein 2. Let’s Flash. Wenn ihr die Lösung raus habt schreibt sie einfach in die Kommentare und habt viel Spaß beim Spiel :’D
Das mit dem Mikro werde ich auch noch besser hinkriegen. Versprochen :’D
再生回数:21373 公開日:2012/09/20 [ YouTubeで見る ]
A game by Ninja Doodle
If you want to play more games from the Clickplay series go to the link below
再生回数:163886 公開日:2011/08/26 [ YouTubeで見る ]