Testing out screen-recording software using my PSP Slim and the Remotejoy plugin for custom firmwares. Trying to get a decent recording framerate at the PSP native output resolution of 480x272.
Also a kusoplay video of Every Extend Extra、 on Melatonin Drive (stage5) in score attack mode、 scoring 5.1mil. A lot of mistakes littering the run、 putting a dent in an attempt to score over 7mil.
More to come if I can get something decent working. (And yes、 I am aware of the PSP’s TV Output cables、 however I need a component-to-Svideo adaptor before I can capture with hardware.)
Testing out screen-recording software using my PSP Slim and the Remotejoy plugin for custom firmwares. Trying to get a decent recording framerate at the PSP native output resolution of 480x272.
Also a kusoplay video of Every Extend Extra、 on Melatonin Drive (stage5) in score attack mode、 scoring 5.1mil. A lot of mistakes littering the run、 putting a dent in an attempt to score over 7mil.
More to come if I can get something decent working. (And yes、 I am aware of the PSP’s TV Output cables、 however I need a component-to-Svideo adaptor before I can capture with hardware.)
再生回数:5118 公開日:2008/01/01 [ YouTubeで見る ]
「不能射擊的射擊遊戲!?」Every Extend全系列介紹
再生回数:422 公開日:2014/09/10 [ YouTubeで見る ]