Best version of my first attempt at a ”No” Play、 basically just playing the game to give you an idea of it for less than 10 minutes. Comments and suggestions for ”Japanese” games are appreciated. I might try 1999 on NES next、 but be mindful、 I’ve barely managed to learn about Nestopia recording and clearly I still have much to learn about sound synching and recording、 so keep that in mind. Thanks
Best version of my first attempt at a ”No” Play、 basically just playing the game to give you an idea of it for less than 10 minutes. Comments and suggestions for ”Japanese” games are appreciated. I might try 1999 on NES next、 but be mindful、 I’ve barely managed to learn about Nestopia recording and clearly I still have much to learn about sound synching and recording、 so keep that in mind. Thanks
再生回数:1309 公開日:2008/09/04 [ YouTubeで見る ]