Area Flat is shoot em up from either I think 1999 or 2000、 but for its age its still enjoyable. It spawned two sequels Area Flat 2 and 3 which I think a lot of people are more familiar with.
Area Flat is shoot em up from either I think 1999 or 2000、 but for its age its still enjoyable. It spawned two sequels Area Flat 2 and 3 which I think a lot of people are more familiar with.
再生回数:41 公開日:2011/01/26 [ YouTubeで見る ]
再生回数:15 公開日:2014/08/31 [ YouTubeで見る ]
Its awesome and it kills time that is all you need to know.
再生回数:54 公開日:2011/07/30 [ YouTubeで見る ]
This one seemed to turn out a lot better. Better sound、 better commentary、 better length.
I think i’m improving a little bit
再生回数:52 公開日:2011/10/30 [ YouTubeで見る ]
finally i beat this without dieing once im so happy this sites is soo old tho
再生回数:1252 公開日:2010/03/30 [ YouTubeで見る ]